LWDA Dance Curriculum


The Leah Willis Dance Arts Curriculum: a new, innovative way to share the artistry of dance with the intelligence of applied learning and blend those lines in a seamless way.


At LWDA, it is of the utmost importance that cohesion remains strong and firm. From dance terminology, to choreography, to our healthy meals, to performance time, ALL elements of our program must have a distinct throughline. It is imperative that our emerging students are able to make solid connections within the classroom, so that when they see those same facets in the outside world, they not only recognize them, but build upon their gained knowledge with real confidence, savvy and enthusiastic motivation. The sense of positive self-worth, sustained intelligence and artistic creativity we build in our youth is geared toward the generations to come. It is meant to be spread, passed down and shared. Here, it always begins with just one dancer willing to put in the work, and go the distance.

 We blend academia with the dance world so that one side actually enhances the other side, and vice versa. Our curriculum is meant to highlight how the elements of each are shared.


Contact us for demonstrations, or any questions you may have, so that you can observe the wonder of connectivity through the synapses in the brain as a result of our one-of-a-kind Curriculum.